Think Pink promotes breast self-examination for women. Regularly checking your breasts is crucial in the early detection of breast cancer. You get to know your breasts better and immediately know when something is wrong.
But women often don't know how to do such an exam and if they do, they don't remember to do it. That's why Think Pink wants to give women a reminder in October (during breast cancer month), where they can't look past it: on Zalando.
When you shop online for a bra, you scroll through multiple photos to see what the bra looks like. But in October you’ll only see photos of women in poses in which you perform a breast self-exam. Every brand that participates and shows these photos receives the “BREASTPROOF” label, to make clear that they care for breasts.
We’ll also send a hands-on message with the chosen bra when you order. Using the back of the large labels that Zalando uses on their clothing, we’ll clearly show how to perform a breast exam. This way you can check your breasts at home while fitting your new bra.
In October, women will know perfectly how to do a breast self-examination by just shopping for bras!
Think Pink. Take care of your breasts.